Wednesday, July 24, 2013

ADR Notes. (Mr.Nishith Desai)

I am posting the Indian speakers deliberately, yes they are few, and I need the Indian context for ADR and Mediation specifically.
Here's Mr. Nishit Desai on Arbitration.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Marriage. Ceremony or Relationship.Prioritize.

The glitz and glamour projected on the screens has taken away the focus of a marriage from the relationship to the ceremony.
The unfortunate effect is the growing families in court rooms rather than in  warm homes.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Making Mediation Popular ( Mock mediations)

Colleges are where dreams are formed, values instilled, the age where the students are full of energy and want to make the world a better place. The spirit to do something is highest at the college level.
If students are introduced to the peaceful aspects of living then there is hope that they will take that road. If it is not introduced at all then the education is left incomplete. This is happening all along.
One of the areas I will be touching upon in mediation in India is addressing the students and teachers of colleges specially law colleges.
One Law college I went to recently gave me a glimpse of what to expect.

The professor said that Mediation is a small chapter in the syllabus and that the students would simply go to the mediation centre to study the centre. Not a very important subject.
My questions will a practicing lawyer know? That disputes could be resolved amicably too and that practicing mediation could be a thriving practice. It is about good will. People want peace whatever space they may come from. This has happened in the USA and European countries too.

Mock Mediations.
Here is an International mediation tournament being held at the NLIU, Bhopal.
It is very gripping and interesting. Around 29 colleges participated.
I hope that many colleges too take up such competitions. These are the best way to get the students have a first hand experience of a mediation set up.
See here.
International Mediation-competition-2012
The students have done an amazing job, not only of conducting the conference very professionally but recording it too. The viewers have a very good peek into the proceedings. Congratulations to NLIU, Bhopal.
Law College, Bhopal.

Competitions on Topics related to Mediation.
Mediation is an attitude which needs expression, and proper expression needs the right vocabulary. Our vocabulary if keenly observed has very few words of resolving and reconciling. In our Indian system I just observed that, we as students are either taught to give speeches or debate. We are indoctrinated with lectures on values. But the essence is lost as there is no vocabulary of peace, non violent communication, negotiation, resolution, getting together, talking it out etc.,

Another area I will be working on is having contests for students to think and speak peaceful topics. Suggestions and ideas are welcome. If anyone is already working in this sphere too an interaction is most welcome.

Spirituality Series (Resolving personal conflicts,SriSri)

The matters of heart and mind seek a spiritual angle. Many of our problems arise from the conflicts within. If these get addressed then our relationships with people around us too change. Our perspective on problems involving relationships eases and when we calm down our approach to resolve them becomes easier too.

Sri Sri Ravishankar, has been in news for taking up resolving conflicts across the globe. Mediation at work to show it works.
"Sri Sri goes with a human touch and a decisive methodology of 'humaneness.
At the height of Naxal terror a diminutive man is trying to make inroads to
break the strongholds of the extremists by treading at variance with the
bullet-for-bullet approach.
He goes with a human touch and a decisive methodology of 'humaneness' to change
the hearts and minds convinced that ‘men are not stones’ and even stones
can change.
In the rampant violence-stricken areas of Jharkhand he has made but
a small dent by getting some Maoists to give up arms. Post reform they have
floated a party- Jharkhand Vikas Party (JVP) - all set to contest the next
elections convinced of the supremacy of the ballot over bullet. He says among
the reformed is a commander who has a large following and this could be a
This is just a small step for Sri Sri Ravishankar, Founder of the Art of Living
Foundation, who has already made many a stride in crisis-affected areas
elsewhere. He says he rushes to conflict  areas 'following his heart' convinced
that there 'is a Balmiki in every daaku’ and he can contribute to peace
efforts and trauma relief."

Read the complete interview of Guruji with UNI:
Ballot over bullet. Mediation.
Art of Living Bureau of Communication- DELHI NCR

SriSri says, Conflict is always emotional. Resolution is intellectual. Emotional conflict can't be dealt with emotions. Similarly, an intellectual argument cannot be dealt with the intellect. 
The emotional side of it has to be considered. If you observe carefully there is a stream of emotions behind an intellectual argument. Life is a fine balance between the emotions and the intellect. When to use what, is the real wisdom. And how do you gain that wisdom? The answer is meditation,meditation and meditation.

If you ask anyone who has done any type of mediation would agree. Having spent a lot of time in the courts and with people who meditate and as a practicing meditator I have often heard people say that my relationships with people have improved after taking up meditation.

Will write more on the spirituality of conflict from other masters.

Making mediation Popular (Street plays)

Mediation is of the heart. It involves people. At another level its an attitude.
An attitude that when conflicts stay unresolved cause agony to both the parties involved in a dispute. Many conflicts involve families, neighbours, friends and companies. They could have complicated issues or very simple matters. When they are not addressed they grow into serious problems and what is worst is they land up in a court.

The method of street plays has been probably the oldest in any civilisation.
A theatre group or any individual actor who understands meditaion could put up small plays, skits etc., high lighting the concept of mediation.
Plays speak much more than speeches do, people identify themselves with the characters and act upon the message more faster than any other medium. The immediate response of the audience is what attracts serious actors to take up acting in theatre rather than in movies because of the instant connect.
Specially in villages this method would be highly successful. The rural areas are the places where the country still lives. However, owing to the changing scenario where the people are moving to the cities for better employment opportunities has created a certain void in the village lives.
The youth are wasted as they generally languish aimlessly. They get into wrong habits which leads to crimes in villages.
The illiteracy levels are quiet high and people actually do not go to courts as they should. The street plays would address the importance of even going to a court to begin with whenever it is needed.

The street plays could be performed in colleges, around court halls, in central areas of cities.
This requires an awareness drive. The street plays could also be filmed and posted in public domains on the net.
An interested group would be welcome to get together. This is easiest done by college students as a pert of the project to generate awareness are my thoughts.

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Making Mediation Popular (Courts.)

This is the most vital part of writing this blog. The many ways that could be used to make Mediation popular in India. So that people who have filed cases and can get relief in a mediation must seek mediation.
It is rather too long as I have to stand on each topic for long. So I will make this into a series.

The courts.
The courts play a vital role here, specially in India where the Judges are the most aware of the future of a case.
The judges guide the parties to take up mediation when ever they observe that the case can be sorted through a discussion among the parties.
Most of the time such an intervention is taken well by the parties. This is the most popular way the litigants are introduced to the concept of mediation. They are initially confused and rather surprised, specially when they hear the opening statement. Then, they are at ease and cooperate with the process.
This happily forms the majority, and such cases normally see a happy ending too.
However, not all cases end like this. Some cases may still need the court intervention and so after agreeing to a matter at least partially settled at the mediation, they go back to the courts.
Some cases may not be suitable for mediation at all, they continue in the courts.
The courts make mediation an accepted process better than any other means. If there is no Mediation centre it would be a good idea to approach the court with an application to have it referred to the nearest centre. Most of the High Courts in India have a Mediation Centre attached. (the list is in this blog..they are being updated constantly).